First up is Brian Michael Bendis talking about The Heroic Age, courtesy of the fine folks over at comic book resources...
I think when people hear the words 'Heroic Age,' they're thinking it's going to be all blue skies, picnics, and snowball fights in Central Park. That isn't it.
Then we have Geoff Johns giving us a heads up about Brightest Day over at The Source...
Nor is ‘Brightest Day’ a sign that the DC Universe is going to be all about ‘light and brighty’ superheroes.
Hmmm...I think this may be another case of the marketing department getting a little ahead of themselves. Thankfully, that can be easily fixed.
That's better.
Now let's get on to the official business.
So what random book am I going to read next? Take it away Randomizer...

So it's another go around with The Defenders after we had such a good time with the last issue we reviewed a couple of months back.
We're jumping ahead about 7 years this time, and it looks like the only member still on the team is Valkyrie. The rest of the team is made up of ex-X-Men, ex-Avengers, and ex-statues.
Judging from the cover it would also appear that this is going to be our first encounter with The New Mutants, so we're in for a bunch of new characters here at the Random Longbox.
See you in a day or two for the review of The New Defenders vs. The New Mutants!
And here I thought that Marvel's overuse of that particular adjective was just a recent phenomenon.
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