Friday, November 26, 2010

Up next...All-American Comics #1

It's Black Friday, so I'm sure everyone is too busy waiting in lines trying to buy a flat screen t.v. for ten bucks or trying to track down whatever hunk of plastic the kids today have decided that they just can't live without.

With smart phones being what they are, however, I suppose you could still be checking in with your favorite random comic book blogs while you're standing in line. Taking that into consideration, here's a quick post to keep you entertained...and challenged.

That's right, it's time for another installment of What Did I See While I Was Out On The Road The Other Day! As long time readers are aware, my day job takes me in-and-around four different states in the Midwest on a semi-regular basis. On occasion, I've been known to spy something comic book related in my travels.

Normally, I'd give you a multiple choice selection and pop up with the photo a couple of days later, like we did over here, here and here. This time, however, we're going to switch it up.

For this round, you'll get the picture first and you have to tell me what the comic book connection is. Everyone got it? Good, then on with the picture.

Now I expect this one is going to be a bit challenging, so I'm going to give you a little clue.

You better hope you can summon all of your willpower from the last couple of months in order to guess this one.

I'll give you a couple of days to ponder it, and I'll be back before the weekend's out to give you the answer. If you know the significance of this building, or are just feeling lucky, drop your answer in the comments.

Until then, let's roll the Randomizer out of the storage unit and dust off the mothballs so that we can fire it up and get a new random book to review. Take it away randomizer...

...and that book is All-American Comics #1 from May 1999, published by DC Comics!

Ahhh...the Justice Society. Up until recently, there were always two things that you could count on without fail during the aughts. The first was that Ultimate Spider-Man was one of the most consistently perfect comic book runs going. The second, and perhaps more unlikely, was that JSA was just as good, if not better (like when Bendis insisted on bringing Ultimate Daredevil into storylines).

And it all started here, with the nine part The Justice Society Returns! storyline that ran through a number of one-shot titles that resurrected long cancelled golden age titles. The issue we'll be reviewing this time around features the golden age Green Lantern and Johnny Thunder, both of whom will be making their debut appearance here at the Random Longbox.

Along for the ride is Eduardo Barreto doing the art. We've had the pleasure of ogling a cover or two, but this will be the first time he's done interiors for one of our reviews.

And speaking of covers, I've always liked the design on this mini-series with the oversized logos and Dave Johnson character work.

See you in a day or two for the review.

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